
Adopted European Standards

(2013) eCompetence Framework for ICT Users

CWA(2013), CEN Workshop on ICT Skills

Author(s) N.Farren, F.Niglia, M.Cabrini, J.Gorecki, Y.Isli


(2011) Implementing eCompetence Framework into SMEs

CWA 16367:2011 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills

Author(s) C.Marinoni, F.Niglia, F.Massimo, J.Gorecki, I.Rogalla, M.Sharpe




2013 publications


Evaluation and design of innovation policies in the agro-food sector: an application of multilevel self-regulating agents

Technological Forecasting & Social Change Journal

(status: approved, in printing 2014)

ISSN: 0040-1625, Impact Factor – 1.709

Author(s) D.Gagliardi, F.Niglia, C.Battistella


Citizen Centric Governance for Smart Territories

Included into the proceedings of SCE2013 – Smart Cities Exhibition / People Centered Smart Territories

Author(s) F. Niglia, C.M. Medaglia, L. Schina


DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe

JRC83167, EUR 26035 EN

ISBN 978-92-79-31465-0 (pdf)      ISSN 1831-9424 (online)

Author(s) Experts validating panel for European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies


The Potential of Digital Games for Empowerment and Social Inclusion of Groups at Risk of Social and Economic Exclusion: Evidence and Opportunity for Policy

JRC78777, EUR 25900 EN

ISBN 978-92-79-29185-2 (pdf)      ISSN 1831-9424 (online)

Experts validating panel for European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies


An user-centric check of the available eGovernment services in Europe

Included into the proceedings of ECEG 2013 – European Conference on E-Government

Author(s)  A.Gugliotta, F.Niglia, L.Schina


A survey on user-centricity adoption in Europe

Included into the proceedings of ONE Conference 2013 “Digital Governance: From local data to European policies”

Author(s) F.Niglia, L.Schina



2012 publications

A Proposal for adapting eCF to SME requirements

ISBN: 978-88-6685-085-4

included into the proceedings ITAIS 2012 Conference

Author(s) F.Niglia, C.Marinoni, F.Massimo, J.Gorecki, I.Rogalla, M.Sharpe


Use of multi-level self-regulating agents to evaluate the impact of innovation policies in socio-economic environments

included into the ECSS, European Conference on Complex Systems 2012, Brussels.

Author(s) F.Niglia, D.Gagliardi, C.Battistella


Use of multi-level self-regulating agents to evaluate the impact of innovation policy for the agro-food sector in the Region of Puglia, Italy

included into the proceedings of IM2012 – Innovative methods for innovation management and policy, Beijing Institute of Technology – School of Management and Economics.

Author(s) D.Gagliardi, F.Niglia, C.Battistella


Exploring the impact of innovation policies in economic environments with self-regulating agents in multi-level complex systems

ISBN: 978-3-7908-2788-0.

included into the proceedings ITAIS 2011 Conference

Main Author

Author(s) F.Niglia, D.Gagliardi, C.Battistella



2011 publications

 Building the User Centricity Within the NET-EUCEN Network

Also included into the proceedings of the Conference eChallenges 2011

Author(s) F.Niglia, L.Schina



Previous publications


Case Study on GENESYS Project: European Good Practices of Advanced ICT-Enabled Energy-Efficiency Systems – Smart Grids CleanTech 2010 conference – 21-25 June 2010, Anaheim (CA)

Main author

Author(s) F.Niglia, A.Feraco, A.Tingas –



A Refined Multilayered FEM Model Applied to Sandwich Structures”, in “Mechanics of Sandwich Structures” (ed.) A. Vautrin. 1997 – Springer; 1998, ISBN-10: 0792350502

Proceedings of the EUROMECH 360 Colloquium held in Saint-Étienne, France, 13-15 May, 1997


Author(s) E.Carrera, F.Niglia